nice, you know how to switch off js, hope you find some wisdom on this page

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This site doesn't require js to look good, lesson in there.

OPSEC™ Bible® 2025 © securitybrahh

“We kill people based on metadata.” - Michael Hayden, ex NSA director

                Why Privacy Matters? 
                If you have bought this eBook, it is safe to assume you think privacy and security is important. But let’s just visit it quickly before we dive in to the tricks of the trade. 
                The advantages of privacy are pretty clear to us IRL but when it comes to digital, we often don’t know that, it is being violated. Every time a popup comes just ask yourself, should I give my consent or not? Slowly but surely, you will reach to a point where your digital environment is private as your IRL.
                Some advantages of a private digital environment: 
                1.	Lower spam calls/emails. 
                2.	Lower frauds/smaller threat surface. 
                3.	Ever been to China? It sucks big time when government knows your every move. 
                4.	Your ex-GF/BF is less likely to harm you. 
                5.	Data Breaches will happen, if you have better habits your important data won’t leak. 
                6.	Your employer is less likely to take advantage of you. 
                7.	Your identity is important, bad actors will use it if you don’t protect it.

                Tier 0 (must have) 
                ☐ Create a threat model (video) 
                ☐ Have a password system , and possibly passkey system (Yubikey Series 5 NFC)
                ☐ Minimal permissions in Android and IOS apps 
                ☐ Maximize privacy settings in staple apps/platforms (twitter, google etc, note google Workspace (Paid) has a different privacy policy and you can switch on Advanced Data Protection as well) 
                ☐ Setup 2FA 
                ☐ Backups 
                ☐ Auto Update systems 
                ☐ Change search engine 
                ☐ Change browser  
                ☐ Delete Old Accounts (Search name/email on google, email, password manager, 2fa app) - 
                ☐ Have VPN on work, Create Socials with Café Proxies and use them with VPN at home. 
                ☐ Encrypt your drives 
                ☐ Setup secure communication lines 
                ☐ Metadata Cleaning Protocol 
                ☐ Online and local identity minimalism (lowest number of apps, delete unneeded stuff on disk, only local accounts in windows/mac) 
                ☐ BIOS password and verified boot (just use Mac though) 
                Tier 1 
                ☐ Change your staple OS to something privacy respecting like Fedora Siverblue, or a macos (I believe only secure bootloader in the market is Mac’s), you can run Asahi Fedora with disk encryption and separate boot policy, now you can even play AAA Video games.
                ☐ Change your mobile to GrapheneOS on pixel 7+, if you don’t care about budget, just buy the latest one – hence have maximum EOL yrs.
                ☐ Using a more private domain provider like incognet, nicevps or even just your local domain provider with a Biz structure.
                ☐ Randomize IP 
                ☐ Setup vpn kill-switch 
                ☐ Have multiple proxies / public Wifis that you can rely on, mullvad has SOCKS5 inside it’s VPN.
                Tier 2 
                ☐ Anonymous amazon (PO box, card, Alias email and fake name), disinformation is better than no information. Poison the well.
                ☐ Harden your browser 
                ☐ Learn to use Firefox containers 
                ☐ Customize uBlockOrigin Extension 
                ☐ Test browser uniqueness 
                ☐ VOIP Phone number (, mysudo, wiki/AA, vonage) 
                Tier 3 
                This is hiding behind company / layering 
                ☐ LLC Formation with stripe integration 
                ☐ Business phone number ☐ Protocols / SOP’s 
                Tier 4 
                ☐ Wipe HDD’s 
                ☐ Home security and dash cams 
                ☐ Integrity of files (sha256) 
                ☐ Authenticity of files (gpg) 
                Tier S 
                I will have a dedicated guide for this in the future, stay tuned. 
                ☐ Ghost address – po box, mail/freight forwarding, llc backed 
                ☐ Nomad residency, Tax Residency 
                ☐ Legal Infrastructure – trust and trustee 
                ☐ New Vehicle Purchase Through a Trust (Non-Nomad) 
                ☐ New Vehicle Purchase Through an LLC (Nomad) 
                ☐ Loan management through the trust 

                Tricks of the Trade 
                Cafe WIFI’s 
                You can use café WIFI’s (that are not commercial IP’s, not mcd for e.g.) to create anonymous social accounts rather than buying Proxy IP’s that may or may not work. 
                Hidden communications in plain sight 
                It’s always beneficial to hide things in plain sight rather than making special space for them, add things in a book in a shelf for e.g. 
                How to spot if someone has been searching your stuff: 
                1.	Just take a pic  
                2.	Leave eraser residues inside written material to see if someone read it. 
                Safe Word 
                Ask your loved ones to tell you something that only the 2 of you are aware of, if you think they are compromised. 

Metadata Cleaning Protocol
            Use these applications just before sharing any media online, this should delete all metadata about the file but be warned, the file itself (pixels in the image for eg) may contain some information that may be traceable back to you. 
            Exif Eraser - 
            Metapho - 
            Mac / Linux 
            Mat2 - 
            Watermark removal – you can use ffmpeg for removing logos in videos, use history brush in photoshop for images, for pdf’s just copy text to .txt file, save it and export to pdf from there. 
            Cloack your photos from AI -